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to support exceptionally reliable engineering and management practices to plan, design, construct and operate sustainable facilities. CIFE Call for Seed Proposals 2018. Martin Fischer Appointed as the fifth Kumagai Professor in the School of Engineering.
BIM and Lean Construction Conference. About BIM and Lean Construction Conference. List Of Companies Participated in the BIM Conference. It is a great chance to expand your network and knowledge base. We welcome sponsors from companies that wish to showcase their products and services in the BIM Conference. Find below the sponsorship packages and benefits.
Bexel Consulting d.o.o
Bogdan Damian
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BexenCardio installs defibrillators on board the fishing vessels of the Galician fleet. This ground-breaking measure in Spain. LIVE SUPPORT COURSES IN GALICIA, SPAIN. Last October two traumatological life. Bexen Cardio showcases at MEDICA Exhibition 2017. Bexen Cardio is exhibiting at MEDICA Exhibition.
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